Greek wedding traditions

Greek wedding gift- bomboniere

Have you seen the movie My Big Fat Greek Wedding? Did you notice the greek wedding traditions in the movie? Last week I was in one of my familys wedding events in Epirus. An orthodox church wedding is an old and beautiful ceremony and has been celebrated in its present form for centuries. 

Certainly the ceremony is unique as the bride and groom don’t make any promises in the church. Since they are present means that they have given each other the promise to enter into marriage. During the ceremony many acts are repeated three times to symbolize the Trinity: The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. The two candles at the altar represent the bride and groom’s promises to respect each other in their new life together.

Outside the church

Meanwhile the guests wait outside the church until the bride arrives, the groom waits with her flower bouquet at the entrance. The most common thing is that the bride and the groom walk in together, followed by all the guests. Furthermore you can sit wherever you like, as there are no grooms or brides sides in the orthodox wedding.

The ceremony

First part

At the beginning of the act, the priest blesses the bridal couple’s rings and places them on the right ring finger. The maid of honor (Koumbara) makes the ring change three times and the act symbolizes the promises that the bridal couple give each other. After the readings the priest brings together the bride and groom’s right hands that remain united throughout the act. The wedding crowns (stefana) which are joined by bands symbolize the couple’s love. They are blessed and placed on the bridal couple’s heads, whereupon Koumbara or the Bestman (Koumbaros) change place on the crowns three times. One piece of the readings says that the woman should obey the man, sometimes the bride fits the groom on the foot to mark that the custom is outdated.

Second part

The bride and groom are offered three sips of wine from the same cup as a symbol for sharing on the burdens of life together and sharing on everything in life, both in joy and in sorrow. Isaiah’s dance is the first steps the couple take as real spouses when the priest leads them around the table. Koumbara alternatively Koumbaros hold in the crowns and according to Greek custom one throws rice over the bridal couple. By throwing rice you express your hope that the bride and groom together will become strong and form a family.

After the wedding ceremony, the couple turns to the guests and the closest family members congratulate them followed by the guests. In the Greek wedding tration all the guests receive a gift of traditional sugar-coated almonds in a bomboniere. The number of koufeta or almonds are uneven and indivisible. As usually five or seven, as well as the groom and the bride are now inseparable. The sweets represent health, wealth, happiness and a long life.

With this post I wish the bride and the groom, Artemis and Vasilis a lifetime of love and happiness! Thank you for letting me photograph your most important day of your new life together.
Feel free to ask me questions about weddings in Greece or in Sweden. Are you dreaming of tying the knot in Greece? Contact me here.

Bride preparation

Getting ready

Arriving at the church

Inside the orthodox church

Rice for the guests

Flower decorations outside the church

Throwing rice - a common tradition in orthodox weddings too

Travel to Kefalonia over the weekend

Melissani  Cave

Is it possible to explore Kefalonia over the weekend? Kefalonia is the biggest island in the Ionian Sea. Was actually the last one in my bucket list in the Ionian, when my sister asked me to travel with her. I did not hesitate to say yes. My niece would perform in a festival and we would travel with bus from the mainland through Lefkada island to Kefalonia.

The seven Ionian islands became Greek in the 19th century. The islands were influenced by Normans French, Italians and their British rulers. However the islands are unique and have their own style. An earthquake hit Kefalonia 1953 that destroyed most of the islands settlements with few exceptions, one is Fiskardo on the north side. Consequently 75% of the population left the island and moved to other parts of Greece or abroad. Those who stayed have helped to rebuild what we see today.

In the Ionian Sea

The bus picked us up in Arta in Epirus, twenty kids and fefteen adults was ready for adventures. Our first stop was in Lefkadas town Nidri. After less than two hours of ferry travel we arrived to Fiskardo. However we kept the exploration of this little cute town to the end of the journey.

We arrived in Argostoli, the capital of Kefalonia after lunch. The city is built around the impressive natural harbour. In the 18th century, this was the third biggest port in the eastern part of the Mediterranean. In Argostoli all the buildings are new as they are all rebuilt after the earthquake. Beautiful stylish buildings with a special touch and frames around the windows and doors is very common.

Nidri port



Argostoli bay

In the capital of Kefalonia

After a wonderful breakfast on Sunday morning we went to the beach Makris Gialos near Argostoli with the girls. The beach is big and well organised and yes it was Sunday with a lot of girls who love beach parties. 

After syrtaki dances and sunbathing at the beach we went to town. The main square or platia as the Greek says, happens to be the meeting pointing in this town. Here you have hotels, restaurants and cafeterias and bars for every hour of the day. We found our restaurant Ladokolla, they serve the delicious greek dishes in grease proof paper. Ladokolla means literally grease proof paper in Greek. Spent the evening with the girls performance in the festival just outside the city. Walked back to town admiring the foot bridge De Bosset and after the long walk by the port went back to the hotel tired and satisfied with my afternoon captures.

Makris Gialos

Central square in Argostoli



Exploring the Cave

Leaving Kefalonia without a visit at the famous cave Melissani was not ok. Its the most famous attraction in the island discovered 1951. The cave is located near the town Sami and is very unique as the roof of the cave is open and the sunlight give the most beautiful tones to the walls and the atmosphere inside the cave. The water in the cave comes from the sorounding mountains of Sami and Argostoli and can be up to 33 meters deep. According to Greek mythology the cave is named after nympf Melissani. Melissani was in love with Pan. As he didn’t pay any attention she drowned in the lake. 


If you travel to Kefalonia you will be able to enjoy the best beaches in the Ionian Sea I almost dare to say. You have the famous Myrtos beach and plenty of beach options if you travel by car around the island. Apart from Kefalonia you can pop over to Ithaca for more beach adventures. We chose beach Agia Paraskevi on our way back. 

Spent the afternoon strolling and capturing the colourful buildings and alleys in the harbour of Fiskardo as they are the few remaining in Kefalonia after the earthquake. The Norman general Roberto Guiscard who past away here 1085 gave the name to the city. The original name was Panormos which sounds more Greek. Our coffee brake at Melinas Patisserie infront of port was wonderful as the patisseries and the view is awesome. Delicious traditional greek desserts seems to be their specialty. Don’t miss this coffee place if you are nearby.

Melissani Cave

The walls in the cave



Did you like this blogpost? If you are dreaming to elope with your love here in Kefalonia check out my tips how to elope in Greece. Kalispera!

11 photos of Ioannina

Welcome to Ioannina in the northwest of Greece. Here I have spent at least a few weeks every summer the last 30 years. Ioannina is our family’s home base in Greece. The city is visited by Greeks and foreigners who love nature experiences of all kinds. In other words there are mountains, exciting landscapes, high mountain peaks, rapids, ravines and many trails to wander in. My 11 photos of Ioannina gives you a small preview of what this city has to offer.

So finely last year Ioannina got its first charter travellers from Sweden. As an example you can check the charter flights from Sweden to Zagori region and Papigo at . Its only 45 minutes drive to the 46 stone villages of Zagori from the city. In addition its one hour to Albania if you want to take your first day trip there. 

Famous stories from Ioannina

The most famous family is probably the family of Averoff. Evangelos in the Averoff family were foreign minister and defense minister in Greece. He founded Metsovo’s art museum, a vineyard and spent time with other cultural activities for the area. Secondly the most famous woman is Kyra Frosini, a woman from the upper class by the end of the 1700s. Probably immersed in the lake Pamvotida along with 16 other women by Ali Pasha. Ali Pasha was an Albanian ruler who ruled over region where Ioannina was the capital. If that happened because of political reasons or of jealousy there are different opinions about that. Thirdly the city’s most famous sport is the canoe. You may get a glimpse of the canoeists as you walk by the lakeside.

What to do & see

Pamvotida lake

Walk down the main street Averoff towards the lake and explore the history of the city. This is the meeting point in town with a lot of cafes, restaurants and bars. Take a walk by the lakeside or Molos as it called by the locals. And why not capture 11 beautiful photos or more of Ioannina for your Instagram stories.

The Island

To Nisi means The Island in Greek. After 15 minutes boat trip from Molos you will be able to explore the little village of the families living with fishing and tourism on the island. There are charming houses and alleys to stroll in, shops with handwork from the neighborhood and silver jewelry to see as Ioannina is famous for its many silver smiths. Seven monasteries was built here and was once an excellent place to live as a monk. Most important The Island is known for the murder of the powerful ruler Ali Pasha. His home and house on the island is now a museum and attracts many visitors.

Old Castle

Ioannina’s old castle was built during the Byzantine era, its the oldest Byzantine fortress in Greece. Besides the culture sights in old town you will find charming houses and alleys here. Most importantly is Its Kale where you find nicely preserved buildings from the Ottoman Empire. The area used to be Ali Pasha’s palace. For example you have the minaret, a large kitchen that is now a charming café. Likewise the Byzantine Museum, and a Silversmiths museum are located in the park. I addition concerts and other cultural events might be on the agenda while you strolling or sit at the café. 
Another impressive building is Aslan Pasha Mosque building, which today houses the Ethnographic Museum of Ioannina. Below you find my 11 best photos of Ioannina in the top locations of the city.


Where to eat

Every autumn, new students come from all over Greece and Cyprus and are looking for accommodation, Ioannina is a university city. Here, it is bursting with life in the city’s cafes, bars and restaurants. Below you find a few examples of restaurants I have visited more than once.

  • Seirioskouzina - Patriarhi Evangelidou 1. Located near the lakeside serves greek dishes with a meditarrenian touch.
  • Parko Naftikou Omilou - Kanari 10 Limnopoula . Trendy restaurant by the lake with greek food and a lot of vegetarian dishes.
  • Mpoukia Mpoukia - Akadimias 4. Cozy restaurant resided in a two-storied neoclassical house with a lovely garden.
  • Frontzu Politia - Agia Triados Hill. If you want to have the best view of Ioannina in a classy restaurant this is your choice.
  • Rakoumel - Kallari 30. Located just outside one of the entrances of the old castle. Here you will find mezedes in a cozy atmosphere, a meeting point for all ages.

Do you have a question about Ioannina or weddings in Greece? Let me know if you plan a destination wedding in this area. I will be more than happy to help you photograph your dream day here. Read more about Epirus and my 5 reasons to getting married in Greece.

One of the entrances of the Old Castle

Charming houses

..and alleys

Its Kale

The Fethie Mosque

Old weapon storehouse

The tomb of Ali Pasha

Old Cook Shop

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